Technical Support

EOT Cranes
  • A. 3D Design Support on Software (SolidWorks, Ansys, etc.)
  • B. Work Method Statement (WMS)
  • C. Engineering Design Calculation for:
    • a. Lifting load Calculation (shell/ Tank, floating roof)
    • b. Tank Lifting Lug/Cleat
    • c. Temporary Shell / Column / Floating roof Supporting structures
    • d. Wind girder / Stiffener ring (If required)
    • e. Shell Ingress support
  • D. Engineering Drawing for
    • a. General jack layout with tabular data
    • b. Annular / Bottom plate layout with cutting plan
    • c. Annular / Bottom welding sequence
    • d. Shell Ingress / Door cutting layout with stiffener supports
    • e. Temporary supporting structures fabrication drawing
  • E. On-site Technical core team for Tank Bottom Plate Replacement
  • F. Tank Hydro Testing